Crimson Ties
Status: In production
Crimson Ties is a physical, for-charity BNHA Soulmates zine focusing on Bakugo Katsuki and Ochako Uraraka.
— Moderators —
Innocent Dumpling — Co-Head & Organization Moderator - 31 years old
Nic is a business woman by day and a connoisseur of all things kpop and kdrama by night. When she's not busy updating her BNHA and Naruto stories, you can often find her sobbing over beautiful idols or anime boys.
Nic has a background in marketing, advertising, and as of 2020 is the Founder of a small talent agency. Prior to this, she was second in charge at a large agency managing a wide variety of global scale projects and notable influencers.
At present, she is the Organization Mod for The Promised Neverland: Reminiscence Zine and a writer for The ShikaTema: Everything I Never Knew I Wanted Zine (NSFW add on), SasuSaku Trends (SFW & NSFW contributor) & Haikyuu Ever After Zine.
Kairi-Chan — Co-Head & Organization Moderator - 25 years old
Kairi is a project manager who requires a cup of coffee to worky. After work hours, she likes to write, practice her calligraphy, and bake cookies.
Kairi is currently the co-head and Org mod for Quirk no Jutsu, Social Media mod for BNHA Bloom, and the Head & Org Mod for Lakbay: A SasuSaku PH Travel Zine. She has also contributed as a writer in zines.
Shikamarubase — Social Media Moderator - 21 years old
During Ed's spare time, you can find her binging another series or trying to write. Her hobby is dragging everyone she knows into zine hell (and enjoying it!). She runs on milktea, anime, and webtoons.
Ed has participated in a handful zines as a contributor and as a mod. At present, she is Co-Head Mod for Quirk no Jutsu, Head Mod & Social Mod for The Promised Neverland: Reminiscence and Social Media Mod for BNHA Dragon Riders zine.
Roo — Graphics & Layout Moderator - 24 years old
Roo is a typical art school graduate, complete with the bleached hair and funky anime-inspired fashion. Roo is a video editor by profession, but their true passion lies in graphic design. Roo breaks their burn out by making video manips of their non-canon ships. They believe it’s the best way to use their degree.
Roo is currently the Graphics Mod of Kacchako Big Bang 2021 and is a part of ZutaraOPM, which hosted the first-ever ATLA cultural ship week - #ZutaraOPMWeek. Crimson Ties is Roo’s first official zine and with the optimism of this as a kickstart of going into the fanzine world.
Marina — Finance & Shipping Moderator - 23 years old
An artist by trade and a multipurpose nerd by nature. When she's not inundating herself with content from all the fandoms she enjoys, she is usually working on personal projects for her business MarinaXStudios.
Marina has participated in several collaborative projects as both an artist and a mod. At present, she is Head Mod & Finance Mod for BNHA Bloom, Finance Mod for Quirk no Jutsu and Finance Mod for BNHA Dragon Riders just to name a few. You can find out more about her projects (both past and present) by visiting her website below.
Nicki — Beta Moderator - 20 years old
Nicki is a Law student who is fluent in both English and Spanish and drinks green tea like it's her lifeline. When she’s not busy studying, writing or beta reading, she’s sobbing over characters’ foreheads, making playlists, or collecting keychains.
At present, Nicki is a moderator for multiple discord servers and fandom events. She has beta-read countless fanfiction for a variety of fandoms (including BNHA and Haikyuu!!).
Amber — Intern Moderator - 24 years old
Amber is a recent Kinesiology graduate who loves cats so much it’s basically a personality trait. When she’s not drinking an obscene amount of tea, she’s either writing or hyping up her friends’ creative projects.
This is Amber’s first time moderating a zine. She is currently contributing as a writer to Refiner’s Fire Zine, and moderates multiple Discord servers.
Blue — Intern Moderator - 32 years old
Blue is obsessed with baking, dreaming about writing fics, and listening to unhealthy amounts of jpop. she loves podcasts, magical girls, and Bakugo, not necessarily in that order.
In the past, Blue has contributed as a writer for Featherlight and Summer Explosion, but is now getting her feet wet as a mod. In addition to interning with Crimson Ties, she's also modding for the upcoming BNHA zine, A Formal Affair.
— Schedule —
Interest Check: Dec 1 - Jan 1
Intern Applications: Dec 1 - Jan
Intern Application Emails Sent: Jan 8
Contributor Applications: Jan 26 - Mar 4
Contributor Application Emails Sent: March 15
First check-in (Page Artists/Writers/Comic/Merch): 11th of April
First check-in (Story Illustrators): 22nd of May
Second check-in (Page Artists/Writers/Comic/Merch): May 28
Second check-in (Story Illustrators): 19th of June
Third check-in (Page Artists/Writers/Comic/Merch): July 9
Third check-in (Story Illustrators): 17th of July
Beta-Reading / Editing stage: July 12
Preorders: Sept 1 - Sept 30
Production: Oct 1 onward
— FAQ —
Is this SFW or NSFW?
This is a SFW zine.
I’m below 18-years old, can I apply?
Yes, you may. This is a SFW zine, and age will not be a factor when we go through applications.
Will other pairings be allowed?
There may be mentions of other pairings, however, the main focus will still have to be Katsuki and Ochako.
Is this zine for-profit or for-charity?
This is a for-charity zine. The charity of our choice will be announced soon.
How will the charity be decided?
We will ask for charity suggestions in our interest check. The top suggestions will be shared with the zine contributors once they are settled into our zine discord for them to vote on, the winner will be the charity we move forward with.
How many contributors are you looking for?
We are roughly looking for: 25 - 30 artists, 6 - 8 writers, 2 - 3 comic artists, and 3 - 5 merch artists.
Can contributors apply for more than one position?
Yes, however, if chosen, we will only assign you to one role.
How will contributors be compensated?
Each contributor will be assured of a PDF copy of the zine. If funds allow, we will also give complimentary printed zines.
— Contributor Applications —
• This is a SFW zine. No sexual or overly violent content will be featured.
• This zine will be for charity. Our charity of choice is yet to be confirmed.
• This is a soulmate AU zine and as such, all content featured within the zine must have a very clear link to the soulmates theme.
• This is a shipping zine. No shipping content beyond Kacchako will be focused on in any of the content but it can be alluded to.
This is a physical, B5 zine. It will contain full-color illustrations, multi-page comics, fanfics, and merch. There will be 30 Artists (10 Page Artists and 20 Story Illustrators), 10 Writers, 3 Comic Artists, and 6 Merch Artists. Please note these numbers include guests.
• PAGE ARTISTS CMYK and 300dpi, B5, submitted as a png or pdf - Template will be provided.
• COMIC ARTISTS: CMYK and 300dpi, B5, submitted as a png or pdf - Template will be provided. Comic artists are allowed 2-4 pages depending on their plot requirement.
• STORY ILLUSTRATORS CMYK and 300dpi, B5, submitted as a png or pdf - Template will be provided.
• WRITERS: The word count for writers will be 2,800 max. per story - Template will be provided.
• MERCH ARTISTS: The merch items will be pre-assigned based on each artist’s specializations. Specs will vary from item to item. Each merch artist will be assigned 2 pieces to create.
• All Writers will be collaborating with Story Illustrators.
• Story Illustrators will be assigned from the application process.
• Each story will have two accompanying artworks.
• Each Artist will be able to vote for the stories they are most interested in. We will do our best to ensure everyone is happy.
• This is to be treated as a collaborative process and communication between both parties is required.
Please refer to the section that applies to you.
• Please select 3-5 samples of your works that best showcase your talent to it's fullest.
• At least one of these samples must feature Kacchako, but the more the merrier.
• At least one of your images must have a detailed background.
• If you are applying as a Comic Artist, at least one of these samples must be a comic piece.
• All content submitted must be high resolution.
• The content submitted must be entirely your own and not a collaboration with another artist or partially traced.
• All artworks submitted must be SFW.
• All samples must be shared via google drive links/folders on the application form.
• Please also provide a link to your extended portfolio for our reference. This can be your Instagram, DeviantArt, Google Drive folder, or anything which will lead us to all your works.
• Applications that do not meet the required criteria above will be automatically rejected.
• Please choose 3 samples of your work between 1,500-3,000 words each.
• These samples may be excerpts of longer works but please ensure it will be easy to follow without the context of the rest of the piece it is part of.
• Excerpts must already be trimmed and fit within the word count.
• At least one of these samples must feature Kacchako, but the more the merrier.
• At least one of these samples must be a complete fic within the 3k word limit per piece.
• All samples submitted must be SFW.
• All samples must be shared via google drive links on the application form.
• You will be asked to provide a link to your portfolio for our reference. This can be your AO3, FFN, Google Drive folder, or anything which will lead us to all your works.
• Applications that do not meet the required criteria above will be automatically rejected.
• Please select 3-5 samples of your works that best showcase your talent to it's fullest.
• At least 2 samples must be complete merch pieces. These may either be actual photos or digital files of the merch.
• Your selected images must be high resolution.
• The content submitted must be entirely your own and not a collaboration with another artist or partially traced.
• Inclusion of at least one Kacchako piece is strongly recommended, but it is not essential.
• All samples submitted must be SFW.
• All samples must be shared via google drive links/folders on the application form.
• Please provide a link to your extended portfolio for our reference. This can be your Instagram, DeviantArt, Google Drive folder, or anything which will lead us to all your works.
• Applications that do not meet the required criteria above will be automatically rejected.
— Intern Applications —
What we are looking for in an intern:
No prior mod experience is needed. The Mod Interns will be working closely with the Org and the Social Media mods. However, if any of the other mods (Graphics & Finance) also need help for small tasks, the Mod Interns may also be asked to assist them.
The key responsibilities for interns are:
• Assisting the Org Mods to update files
• Keeping the peace and answering contributor questions in the server
• Helping the Social Media Mod post, and answering questions if needed
• Other tasks from the Graphics or Finance Mod that may need to be delegated
We are looking for someone who is eager to learn and can bring the following skills to the table:
Proficient with Excel/Google Sheets
• The mods will ask you to update and may ask you to create spreadsheets.
• We want an intern who can easily grasp what information is needed and how this should be presented efficiently to the team or user of the sheet
Willingness to learn & open-minded
All of the mods have prior experience (be it with managing zines or real-life projects!) and are happy to mentor people who wish to mod zines in the future, that being said, we want an intern who is eager to learn, indulges in the process, and open to new ideas.
• The mods will be there to guide and help the interns, but when a task has been entrusted, we expect that our intern will be able to deliver within the given deadline.
• Having initiative is also something we want in our interns.
• It is essential that our intern has great communication skills. They must be willing to speak up if they have questions, concerns, or if they are unable to complete a task so that another mod can assist them.
• We want our intern to love Kacchako and the prospect of managing zine projects as much as we do!
• This project has been created to offer a fun project for the community and out of love for the ship. We hope that our interns also align with this way of thinking, and will dedicate time to see this project to fruition.
• Although this project is to give back to the community and to create a fun project, we require that our intern treats this project in a professional manner as this is also something that our community will be purchasing and we have a duty to deliver a high-quality product.